Rating Iconic Korean Cartoons

Sophia Kang, Isabelle Ng, Kate Um


At the top: Pororo. Every Korean kid grew up watching this and had their training chopsticks. It has a great message for kids on problem solving and friendship, and you already know all the Korean markets are dripped out with their merch. Oh, and I know half of you guys used to have a crush on Eddy. Five Loopy’s out of five! Not taking any feedback.

The lore of CoCoMong is better written than half of the TV shows I’ve seen today. A magical fridge land with food that’s shaped like various animals? Top tier. If you watched this show, you have taste. And we do too, so we rate it five winking CoCoMongs out of five. 


Looking back on it, bboong bboong ee (Farting King Pung Pung) was a bit…weird. But, it was my favorite show as a kid and I trust three-year-old me. Regardless of its interesting translation to English, I give it five Bboong Bboong Es out of five.

Four and a half Amber’s out of five. Only half off because my brother hogged the iPad so I couldn’t see everything. But you already know my brothers and I played with the toy version of them everyday. If you loved this, or still do, you’re cool and I wish you all the best.


Everyone’s brother united to watch this show. Look at them now. Everything in this show was irksome to watch and it was like Tom and Jerry but slimy and gross. Unapologetically giving it two larvas out of five.