Senior Solutions

Brie Samaniego and Molly Jenkins

Hey seniors, congratulations on an amazing first semester! I know the beginning of the year had moments that were definitely stress-filled and difficult to endure but we are almost at the finish line! As much as the second semester will be full of sentimental and exciting moments, we have a few tips to share with all of you seniors to make your second semester less stressful and more fun.

1. Show up to school

I know, it feels like it's impossible; I GET IT. However, it's our last semester, so take it all in. Make as many memories as you can while the time lasts. Plus, you definitely don’t want to get too behind and overly stressed with school work from the days you missed.

2. Meet new people, AKA don't isolate yourself 

It's the second semester of senior year, so go out and meet new people! I know that we are all comfortable with the friends we have grown close to over the years, but this is a time to make new friends and memories! Branch out and be open to spending time with new people. Who knows, they could grow into your closest friends and people that you will remain friends with after graduation.

3. Don't compare yourself to other people  

I know this can be difficult as many of our peers are applying to similar schools as us, so it may be hard to not compare your essays or stats. Please remember how hard you have worked in high school and that you will end up exactly where you need to be. As much as this can be a time of fun and excitement, navigating life post-graduation can also feel slightly isolating. I know everyone says this, but each and every person is amazing and will find their path no matter what your plans are. 

4. Appreciate what you have in the moment 

Senior year is full of fleeting moments. Going into your last semester in high school, there are going to be lots of things that you will experience for the last time. Live through your final moments here. Don't spend too much time in your head wishing for the end because eventually it will come and you will have wistful thinking in place of memories. Take time to appreciate the things about OCSA that you won't be able to after graduation.

5. Brace yourself for the possibility of rejection  

Nobody wants to think about the fact that they might be rejected from their top school. Hearing “rejection is redirection” is already old. There's no getting around it, rejection hurts. Don't shove away the negative feelings; it's okay to be upset and to mourn what could've been. The key is to not dwell on it for too long, there is so much more to look forward to and celebrate. I’m sure you're tired of hearing this too but, It’s going to be okay

6. Don't take everything (including yourself) too seriously 

Now is the most unserious time of your high school career. I’m not saying you should mess around and fail all your classes, just that now is the time to have fun with what is remaining of your high school career. The stakes have gone down and I think it's time for the senior class to collectively take a deep breath. Before getting stressed out about something, ask yourself, as I often do, “Is it really that deep?”